Putting together the ideal fertilizer for a bonsai project

Fertilization is a fundamental factor in any bonsai project and can have a significant impact on the final result. There are numerous fertilizers on the market for a wide variety of purposes. We would like to show here how simple basic fertilizers can easily be turned into a universal nutrient package for a whole year.


Bonsai basics



First, an overview of different types of fertilizer:

Fertilizer 1

This slow-release fertilizer (Osmocote Exakt Standard) is used for potted plants, for example, and releases its nutrients into the soil over a period of around five to six months.

Fertilizer 2

A classic NPK complex fertilizer

Fertilizer 3

An organic fertilizer made from the remains of animals, such as cows, horses or chickens.

Fertilizer 4

Fertilizer sticks work with a capsule that contains the fertilizer in a highly concentrated form. The stick is inserted into the soil with the capsule in place.

So now we show you our fertilizer recipe here

For our nutrient package, we use a mix of two of the most common types of fertilizer: a slow-release fertilizer and organic fertilizer. We also need a tea bag and toothpicks to make our package as such.

Step 1

We now add a teaspoon of slow-release fertilizer and a tablespoon of organic fertilizer to the spread-out tea bag. The total amount of fertilizer in such a packet is enough for about two liters of soil. A bonsai pot with six liters of soil would therefore require three such packets.

Step 2

The fertilizer folded into a packet in the tea bags is now simply applied securely to the soil surface in the planting tray using a toothpick. This provides enough fertilizer for a whole year and no further fertilizer is required.

See also: