The bonsai soil, its properties and the optimum composition.

Some important properties that a bonsai soil should have! Good water and nutrient storage, but also good air and gas exchange are important. The standard ratio of bonsai soil: 40% solid, 30% liquid and 30% air. The composition: 1/3 cactus soil (nutrient-poor soil), 1/3 Akadama (Japanese clay granules) or pumice and 1/3 lava granules and angular grit. The granules should be no smaller than 3 mm and no larger than 5 mm. The bonsai soil is mixed deliberately lean in order to be able to control the growth of the plant.


Bonsai basics



The nutrient storage values of the individual components:



EARTH 23.7 %, AKADAMA 5.5 % or BIMS 5.2 % LAVAGRANULAT 2.1 % and SPLIT 1.8 %.


The proposed soil mixture has an air availability of 29-30%, whereas a conventional gardener’s soil mixture consisting of peat, sand and humus soil has an air availability of only 10-20%. The finer-grained a substrate mixture is, the less oxygen is available to the plant in the soil.


Oxygen is very important for root growth. If you use a soil mixture with a smaller grain size, i.e. with a lot of zero particles, the soil becomes compacted and does not allow oxygen to reach the roots. Oxygen, however, promotes fine root growth.


It is also important for the growth and health of the plant that the acidity of the soil is correct. An acidity of neutral value applies to most plants. The value is measured in pH and is pH 6.5 – 7.5, with the exception of bog plants, which need acidic soil and whose value is between pH 5.5-6. The pH value is a measure of the concentration of free hydrogen ions.



  • pH 0 – 4…………….strongly acidic


  • pH 4 – 6.5…………. slightly acidic


  • pH 6.5 – 7.5 ………neutral


  • pH 7.5 – 9 ………… slightly alkaline


  • pH 9 – 14 …………. strongly alkaline

See also: